
seminar img
2014 Aug 29
Changes in Global Regulatory Environment and Direction for Korea’s Financial Regulatory Reform Cedar Room 3F, 63 Convention Center
Program Amid Korea’s national drive for regulatory reform to facilitate the economy, an overhaul on financial industry regulation has been actively discussed. In July, the Financial Services Commission made its first move by unveiling its “Plans for Financial Regulatory Reform” after reflecting opinions from the industry. 

Lessons from past experience show that the process of financial regulatory reform is a difficult task involving negotiations with various stakeholders. Continuous efforts in strengthening the momentum are important to achieve meaningful outcomes out of regulatory reform, a challenge requiring more than the efforts of policy authorities. This also requires persistent discussions among academia as well as stakeholders, and public awareness programs to deepen the understanding and necessary of such reform. 

In this context, Korea Capital Market Institute will host a policy debate titled “Changes in Global Regulatory Environment and Direction for Korea’s Financial Regulatory Reform”. Participants will try to diagnose the trends of post-crisis regulatory reform in the global financial markets, and then identify Korea’s challenges in financial regulatory reform.