Research Papers Aging, Household Wealth, and Consumption (II): Consumption and Asset Adequacy of Elderly Household
Research Papers Aging, Household Wealth, and Consumption (I): The Impact of Population Aging on Household Asset Composition
Survey Papers Housing Finance Systems in Key Countries and Implications for Housing Finance in Korea
Issue Papers The Impact of Special Bond Issuance Expansion on the Bond Market: A Case Study of the Surge in KEPCO Bond Issuance
Issue Papers Development of Discretionary Investment Industry and AMCs’ Responses
OPINION Assessing Income and Asset Adequacy for Korea’s Elderly Households: Implications and Policy Challenges
OPINION Demographic Changes in Korea: Implications for Household Asset Holdings and Capital Market Participation
OPINION Key Characteristics of the Recent Surge in Individuals’ Bond Investment
OPINION Treasury Stock Disclosure System for Listed Companies in Korea and Relevant Improvements
OPINION Target Date Funds and Retirement Pension Asset Management
Conference Digitalization in Financial Investment Services
Seminar The Present and Future of Pension Investment Management
Hearings Introduction of the Stewardship Code
Conference Korea’s Stock Market at a Crossroads: Diagnosis and Reaction
Conference Drivers of the Korean Economy-The Roles of Finance and Capital Market